Parent Discovers Vulgar Student Worksheet

Sindo, Page 13

Another student worksheet containing vulgar subject matter was discovered at Kampung Melayu State Elementary School No. 2 in Teluknaga Sub-District, Tangerang. The worksheet was discovered by a student’s parent, who later reported the troublesome worksheet to the Tangerang Education Council. The worksheet contained words that describe human genitals in a vulgar manner.

“This is the problem. Although it aims to educate students on health, [the words] implicitly inspire students to develop destructive character,” said Eny Suhaeni, Head of the Tangerang Education Council.

Parent Discovers Vulgar Student Worksheet

Parent Discovers Vulgar Student Worksheet

Lagi LKS SD Berbau Seronok Beredar

Sindo, p 13

Buku paket atau lembar kerja siswa (LKS) berbau seronok kembali beredar di sekolah. Kali ini bacaan yang tidak pantas tersebut ditemukan di LKS untuk kelas V SD di SDN 2 Kampung Melayu, Kecamatan Teluknaga, Kabupaten Tangerang. Terungkapnya masalah ini setelah ada salah seorang wali murid melaporkan ke Dewan Pendidikan Kabupaten (DPK) Tangerang.

LKS yang dianggap seronok tersebut yakni LKS Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan untuk siswa kelas V SD/MI semester 1 pada halaman 50 dan 53 Bab 5 tentang budaya hidup sehat. Pada pendalaman materi, ada pembahasan tentang menjaga kesehatan alat kelamin dan bentuk-bentuk pelecehan seksual.

Menurut Ketua DPK Tangerang, Eny Suhaeni, semestinya buku tersebut tidak tersebar sebab pembahasannya terlalu vulgar.

Hundreds of Damaged Schools in Bekasi to be Repaired

Sindo, Page 12

Hundreds of damaged school buildings in Bekasi District are set to be repaired next year. The repairs will be focused on elementary school buildings and junior high school buildings. Rohim Sutisna, Head of the Bekasi Education Office, stated that most of the damaged schools have been standing for at least 15 years.

Rohim informed that within the last three years, the number of school buildings that suffer medium damages has reached 430 buildings while the number of heavily damaged school buildings has reached 702 buildings (elementary schools) and 105 buildings (junior high schools).

He also added that there are 624 classrooms in poor condition and 1,363 classrooms that are mildly damaged.

Hundreds of Damaged Schools in Bekasi to be Repaired

Hundreds of Damaged Schools in Bekasi to be Repaired

2014, Ratusan Sekolah Rusak Diperbaiki

Sindo, p 12

Ratusan bangunan sekolah rusak di Kabupaten Bekasi akan diperbaiki tahun depan. Perbaikan diprioritaskan untuk bangunan sekolah dasar (SD) dan sekolah menengah pertama (SMP).

Menurut Kepala Dinas Pendidikan (Kadisdik) Kabupaten Bekasi, Rohim Sutisna, usia bangunan sekolah yang rusak itu rata-rata sudah 15 tahun. Dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun terakhir, jumlah kerusakan bangunan sekolah mencapai 430 bangunan untuk kerusakan sedang, sedangkan bangunan yang masuk kategori rusak berat mencapai 702 unit untuk SD dan 105 unit untuk SMP.

Anggota Komisi D DPRD Kabupaten Bekasi, Hasan Bisri, menegaskan, anggaran pendidikan yang dialokasikan dalam APBD 2014 diperkirakan mencapai kisaran Rp200 miliar.

Teachers Must be Passionate

Media Indonesia, Page 15

The teacher certification program has not managed to increase the quality of teachers, says the results of a research conducted by World Bank. The program was only able to improve the welfare of teachers and increase the interest of senior high school students into becoming teachers.

In order to improve the quality of teachers, education observer Musni Umar believes a number of steps must be taken. First, teacher recruitment must be more selective. Only those who are actually qualified should be able to become teachers, he said. Teachers must be passionate and feel like it is their calling to become a teacher and not just some job because they could not get any other job, added Musni.

Next, teachers must be encouraged to add to their knowledge by continuing their education at a higher level. They must also be provided brief training on how to effectively teach and stimulate students. Teachers must also be evaluated each semester by requesting inputs from parents and the school’s committee.

Last, the culture of teaching must be altered in order to change teachers into more dynamic persons who continue to learn and evaluate themselves.

Teachers Must be Passionate

Teachers Must be Passionate

Profesi Guru Harus Didasari Panggilan Jiwa

Media Indonesia, p 15

Hasil penelitian Bank Dunia menunjukkan bahwa program sertifikat guru belum mampu meningkatkan kualitas guru. Program itu baru mampu menambah kesejahteraan guru dan meningkatkan minat siswa sekolah menengah atas untuk menjadi guru.

Untuk memperbaiki mutu guru, pengamat pendidikan Musni Umar berpendapat perlu dilakukan sejumlah langkah. Pertama, rekrutmen guru harus semakin selektif. Selanjutnya, guru perlu didorong untuk menambah ilmu dengan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang lebih tinggi. Terakhir, diperlukan perubahan budaya agar guru menjadi dinamis, terus belajar, dan mengevaluasi diri.

Open Recruitment for Headmasters May be Risky

Republika, Page 16

The open recruitment for headmasters held by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Administration beginning on Monday (25/11) has caused many academicians to prepare themselves for registration. However, this effort to produce the best quality headmaster is quite risky considering the fact that the previous open recruitment for neighborhood chiefs and sub-district chiefs did not meet expectations. Only 40% of these new neighborhood and sub-district chiefs were considered to have performed well. Meanwhile, the other 60% had mediocre performances.

DKI Jakarta Governor Joko “Jokowi” Widodo admitted the city will still encounter difficulties in finding the right headmasters based on the desired criteria through this open recruitment method. However, if the open recruitment method continues to be used, then gradually the right competent people will be selected to fill in these leadership positions.

The DKI Jakarta Province has 2,200 state primary schools, 289 state junior high schools, 117 state senior high schools, and 63 state vocational schools. This first open recruitment for headmasters will be for the city’s senior high and vocational schools amounting to 180 schools.

The open recruitment was officially announced through the media on Monday (25/11). After passing the online selection process, candidates will undergo an academic selection process from December 7 – 8. Then candidates who have passed these two selection process will continue to the third process, which is a psychology test that will be held from December 13 – 31.

Open Recruitment for Headmasters May be Risky

Open Recruitment for Headmasters May be Risky

Lelang Kepsek Dinilai Berisiko

Republika, p 16

Program seleksi terbuka atau jabatan kepala sekolah yang digelar Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta mulai Senin (25/11) telah menarik berbagai calon dari kalangan akademi untuk bersiap-siap mendaftarkan dirinya. Meski demikian, upaya untuk mendapatkan kepala sekolah yang berkualitas tersebut cukup berisiko mengingat hasil lelang jabatan lurah dan camat kemarin pun belum sesuai harapan.

Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo, mengakui, pada lelang perdana ini kemungkinan masih akan sulit menemukan kepala sekolah-kepala sekolah yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang diinginkan. Tapi, apabila lelang terus dilakukan, perlahan-lahan orang-orang yang mengisi jabatan adalah mereka yang benar-benar memiliki kompetensi.

Sementara itu, menurut Kepala Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta, Taufik Mulyanto, kepala sekolah yang sedang menjabat dan lolos seleksi tetap memimpin sekolahnya saat ini. Bila tak lolos, kepala sekolah tersebut harus turun jabatan. Apabila yang lolos seleksi adalah calon kepala sekolah yang sudah memiliki sertifikat dan mengikuti pendidikan dan latihan calon kepala sekolah, bisa langsung menjabat. Sedangkan, bila yang lolos adalah guru, dia akan diikutkan diklat calon kepala sekolah selama tiga bulan.

Government Will Still Maintain Standard of National Examination Questions

Republika, Page 5 (3)

Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Nuh asserted that the National Examination will still be held next year in April 2014, after the legislative elections. The National Examination for primary schools, however, will be held by each province. Nuh said although the exam will be held by each province, the standard of National Examination questions will still be maintained. The Ministry of Education and Culture will provide some key questions in order to maintain the standard.

Government Will Still Maintain Standard of National Examination Questions

Government Will Still Maintain Standard of National Examination Questions

Standar Naskah UN Tetap Dijaga

Republika, p 5 (3)

Ujian Nasional (UN) akan tetap diselenggarakan tahun depan. Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud), Mohammad Nuh, menegaskan bahwa UN SMP/MTs dan SMA/MA/SMK tahun depan akan diselenggarakan pada April 2014 atau seusai pemilu legislatif. Khusus untuk tingkat sekolah dasar (SD), pelaksanaannya diserahkan ke provinsi.

Ia menuturkan, meskipun dilaksanakan di provinsi namun standar nasional naskah soal UN akan tetap dijaga. Pihaknya akan tetap memberikan beberapa soal kunci sebagai bentuk standar.

Sementara untuk penggandaan soal, Nuh mengatakan, dilakukan secara regional dengan melibatkan partisipasi daerah.