Tingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Tinggi, ASEAN Gandeng UE


ASEAN dan Badan Dukungan Uni Eropa untuk Pendidikan Tinggi di Wilayah ASEAN (SHARE) menyelenggarakan Dialog Kebijakan SHARE yang pertama pada 24-25 Agustus, dengan fokus pada jaminan kualitas bagi sistem pendidikan tinggi di ASEAN. Acara tersebut berlangsung di Sekretariat Jenderal ASEAN, di Jakarta Selatan yang turut melibatkan pejabat tinggi di bidang pendidikan, akademisi dan peneliti dari negara anggota ASEAN.

Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal ASEAN Alicia Dela Rosa Bala mengatakan, melalui dialog kebijakan, pihaknya ingin memetakan kerjasama di bidang pendidikan tinggi di ASEAN yang sebelumnya telah ada. Kemudian, ASEAN mengidentifikasi dan mencoba untuk disinergikan dengan kepentingan mahasiswa, institusi pendidikan tinggi, dan profesional di ASEAN.

Hal itu diperkuat oleh pernyataan SHARE Team Leader, Stefan Hell, yang mengatakan, dengan hadirnya para pejabat senior di bidang pendidikan tinggi ASEAN, maka dialog kebijakan itu dapat dijadikan ajang mengumpulkan aspirasi. Tujuan diselenggarakannya dialog kebijakan ini adalah untuk memposisikan SHARE dengan baik di tatanan pendidikan tinggi ASEAN sekaligus untuk memastikan jaminan kualitas, kerangka kualifikasi, sistem transfer kredit dan memfasilitasi pertukaran informasi antara ASEAN dan Eropa.

Uni Eropa (UE) sudah lama ikut berkontribusi pagi pengembangan pendidikan tinggi di ASEAN. Salah satu contohnya, pada Mei lalu, UE melalui Wakil Duta Besar Collin Crooks, telah menggelontorkan dana sebesar 10 juta Euro atau setara Rp. 146 miliar untuk pendidikan tinggi di ASEAN.

Improving Higher Education Quality, ASEAN Links with EU


ASEAN and the European Union Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Region or (SHARE) held the first SHARE Policy Dialog on 24-25 August, with a focus on quality assurance for higher education system in ASEAN. The event took place at the ASEAN Secretariat General, in South Jakarta which also involved high officials in the field of education, academics and researchers from ASEAN member countries.

Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN Alicia Dela Rosa Bala said, through policy dialog, her party wished to map out cooperation in the field of higher education in ASEAN which previously existed. Then, ASEAN identifies and seeks to synergize with the interest of students, higher education institutions, and professionals in ASEAN.

This was strengthened by the statement of SHARE Team Leader, Stefan Hell, who said, with the presence of senior officials in the field of ASEAN higher education, the policy dialog could be used as a platform to collect aspirations.   The objective of this policy dialog is to position SHARE well in the ASEAN higher education order, at the same time to ensure quality assurance, qualifications framework, credit transfer system and to facilitate the exchange of information between ASEAN and Europe.

The European Union (EU) has long contributed to the development of higher education in ASEAN. One example, last May, EU through Deputy Ambassador Collin Crooks, has poured in funds to the amount of 10 million Euro or equivalent to Rp. 146 billion for higher education in ASEAN.

Link: http://dunia.news.viva.co.id/news/read/665164-tingkatkan-kualitas-pendidikan-tinggi–asean-gandeng-ue

vivaNews_Tingkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Tinggi ASEAN Gandeng UE

Gelontorkan Rp 164 Miliar

Jawa Pos, halaman 32

Persiapan di Indonesia dalam menyambut Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) terlihat saat pemerintah gencar memberikan beasiswa maupun alokasi dana untuk memajukan pendidikan. Upaya peningkatan pendidikan di negara-negara ASEAN itu menarik simpati dari Uni Eropa (UE). Melalui proyek SHARE, UE membantu agar tercipta harmonisasi pendidikan dengan program pertukaran pelajar.

Team Leader SHARE, Steffan Hell dalam SHARE Policy Dialogue di gedung Sekretaria ASEAN kemarin (24/8) mengatakan, UE sebelumnya juga mengintegrasikan pendidikan antarnegara agar pelajar mudah mangakses ilmu dan informasi yang dibutuhkan.

Program nyata SHARE adalah dengan menggelontorkan dana sebesar € 10 juta (sekitar 164 miliar) untuk program pertukaran pelajar. Nantinya, dana tersebut dikelola dan dilalokasikan oleh konsorsium secara internasional ke lembaga pendidikan tinggi dan para mahasiswa di negara ASEAN.

Peneliti pendidikan dari Asosiasi Universitas Eropa (EUA), Ligia Deca, menerangkan bahwa proses integrasi universitas di UE tidak sama dengan di ASEAN. Diperlukan konektivitas yang lebih erat sehingga proses itu dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

Ligia mengatakan, adaptasi dan adopsi praktik yang relevan dengan konteks ASEAN akan menjadi kunci dalam kerjasama ini. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan diskusi mengenai jaminan kualitas universitas, kerangka kualifikasi, serta struktur gelar yang ada di universitas tersebut. Terutama di negara Kamboja, Laos, Myanmar, dan Vietnam.

Rp 164 Billion Fund Allocated

Jawa Pos, page 32

Preparation towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) implementation can be seen from the government’s program to award scholarships and improve education. The efforts of ASEAN member countries to do so attract the European Union’s (EU) interest. Through the SHARE Project, EU supports the efforts to harmonize education by conducting the student exchange program.

SHARE Team Leader Stefan Hell on the SHARE Policy Dialogue held in the ASEAN Secretariat Building, yesterday (8/24), said previously EU had integrated inter-country education so that students could access the required knowledge and information easily.

To realize the support, SHARE allocates € 10 million fund (approximately Rp 164 billion) for the student exchange program. The fund will be managed and allocated by an international consortium to higher education institutions and students in ASEAN countries.

Education researcher at the European University Association (EUA) asserted university integration process in EU countries was different with ASEAN. A stronger connectivity is needed to make the similar process in ASEAN run well.

Ligia said the adaptation and adoption of relevant practices with ASEAN contexts would be the key of cooperation success. Consequently, it requires a series of discussion on university quality assurance, qualification framework and degree structure in the respective universities, particularly in Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam.

Rp 164 Billion Fund Allocated

Rp 164 Billion Fund Allocated

Perguruan Tinggi RI Terbanyak di ASEAN

Republika, halaman 7

Perguruan tinggi (PT) di Indonesia mencatat jumlah terbanyak di seantero Asia Tenggara (ASEAN). Direktur Utama ASEAN University Network (AUN) Nantana Gajaseni mengatakan, Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 3.000 perguruan tinggi (PT).

Posisi selanjutnya, kata dia, diikuti oleh Filipina dengan 2.299 perguruan tinggi. Sementara negara-negara ASEAN lainnya, hanya memiliki ratusan perguruan tinggi. Hal ini merupakan menjadi tantangan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, karena setiap negara memiliki sistem pendidikan yang berbeda.  Selain itu, beragamnya kemampuan dan keberadaan fasilitas lokal di masing-masing negara juga menjadi kendala. Terdapat 7.446 perguruan tinggi dari 10 negara anggota ASEAN yang memiliki sistem pendidikan yang beragam.

Dia pun menjelaskan, ASEAN dan European Union Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Regional (SHARE) bertujuan untuk memetakan kerja sama di bidang pendidkan tinggi di Asia Tenggara. Untuk itu dialog kebijakan SHARE yang berlangsung dari 24 hingga 25 Agustus tersebut akan dihadiri oleh para pejabat tinggi di bidang pendidikan, selain peneliti dan akademisi dari negara anggota ASEAN yang juga turut hadir.

Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal (Wasekjen) ASEAN Alicia Dela Rosa Bala menerangkan, di samping untuk memetakan pendidikan tinggi di ASEAN, dialog tersebut juga untuk bisa mengindentifikasi dan menyinergikan mahasiswa, institusi pendidikan tinggi dan profesional di ASEAN.

RI has the Biggest Number of Universities in ASEAN

Republika, page 7

Indonesia has the biggest number of universities among ASEAN member countries. The ASEAN University Network (AUN) Executive Director Nantana Gajaseni said currently there were more than 3,000 universities in Indonesia.

According to Gajaseni, it was subsequently followed by the Philippines which had 2, 299 universities. The other ASEAN countries only have hundreds of universities. There remains a challenge to improve the quality of education since each country has its own education system. In addition, the variation of local facilities in each country remains a constraint. There are 7,446 universities in 10 ASEAN countries which have different education system.

Gajaseni explained ASEAN in cooperation with European Union Support to Higher Education in ASEAN Regional (SHARE) aimed to map higher education cooperation in Southeast Asia. In doing so, the SHARE Policy Dialogue will be held from 24 to 25 August attended by high-level officials in education sector along with researchers and academics from ASEAN member countries.

ASEAN Deputy Secretary General Alicia Dela Rosa Bala asserted aside from ASEAN higher education mapping, the dialogue aimed to identify and synergize student, higher education institutions and professionals in ASEAN.

RI has the Biggest Number of Universities in ASEAN

RI has the Biggest Number of Universities in ASEAN

Problem Solving and Team Collaboration Skills Become Necessary

Jawa Pos, page 32

Various things need to be prepared towards the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) implementation by the end of 2015, including teachers’ competency. Currently, teachers are demanded to have skills and competencies to deal with competition in the 21st century.

The Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) consultant Totok Amin Soefijanto said future workplaces would be more international, multicultural and interconnected. New jobs will emerge based on information production, analysis and consumption. Workplaces will also transform to be computer based.

Therefore, teachers must prepare themselves effectively. In particular, they need to develop a learning strategic plan, have capability to work collaboratively and strong skills to use technology as learning tools.

It is expected that teachers are able to help students to develop a set of skills required in the 21st century by applying student-centered and question-based learning. The method will be able to develop communication and collaboration skills, creativity and a deeper thinking.

Meanwhile the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Agency’s Vocational High School Learning Sources and Student Affairs Section Head Syaifuddin asserted most vocational high schools were more prepared and already mastered information technology. During the past CBT national exams, the majority of schools which were ready to undertake the CBT are vocational high schools due to their human resources’ preparedness.

Solve Problem and Collaborate Team

Problem Solving and Team Collaboration Skills Become Necessary