Dana Pendidikan Akan Diawasi secara Ketat

Media Indonesia, halaman 11

Pemerintah akan memperketat pengawasan dana pendidikan transfer daerah yang nilainya mencapai Rp269,7 triliun atau 63,5% dari total anggaran pendidikan nasional. Hal itu dilakukan guna memastikan agar dana tersebut diperuntukkan sebagaimana mestinya.

Dengan mengacu ke Pasal 49 ayat (1) Undang-Undang No 20/2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, dana pendidikan selain gaji dan biaya pendidikan kedinasan dialokasikan minimal 20% dari anggaran pendapatan belanja daerah (APBD).

Namun, realisasinya, menurut Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Daryanto, penerapannya di kebanyakan daerah kurang dari 20%. Selain disebabkan jumlah pendapatan daerah masih kecil, kepala daerah juga kurang berkomitmen.

Daryanto mengatakan, diperlukan peran Aparat Pengawas Intern Pemerintah (APIP) agar pengawasan lebih maksimal. APIP yang merupakan tim gabungan antara Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP) dengan Inspektorat Jenderal baik di tingkat provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota secara fungsional bertugas melaksanakan pengawasan intern.

Sementara, Irjen Kementerian Dalam Negeri Sri Wahyuningsih justru mengimbau pemerintah lebih fokus menjelaskan kepada daerah untuk mengurangi dana hibah bantuan sosial. Ia juga meminta daerah untuk tidak hanya mengandalkan pendapatan asli daerah. Menurut dia, ada beberapa sumber pendanaan pendidikan di daerah antara lain, hibah, bantuan operasional sekolah, tunjangan profesi guru, dana insentif daerah, dan dana alokasi khusus. Selain itu, ada dana bagi hasil, dana alokasi umum, pendapatan asli daerah, bantuan atau sumbangan swasta.

Education Funds Will be Strictly Monitored

Media Indonesia, page 11

The government will tighten the monitoring the transfer of education funds to the regions which amount to Rp269.7 trillion or 63.5% of the total budget for national education. This should be carried out to ensure that the funds are properly used.

Referring to Article 49 paragraph (1) of Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System, education funds other than salaries and service education costs are allocated at a minimum 20% of the local government budget (APBD).

However, Inspector General of the Ministry of National Education, Daryanto, said that in the practice, the local governments often allocate less than 20%. Besides the income being small, the head of local governments are not committed.

Daryanto added that the role of the Government Internal Supervisor Apparatus (APIP) is necessary to maximize the monitoring. APIP is a joint team between the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) and Inspectorate General at the provincial and regency/city level whose functional is to carry out internal monitoring.

Meanwhile, Irjen of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Sri Wahyuningsih, urged the government to focus on explaining to local governments to reduce social grants. She also asked the local governments not to just depend on locally-generated revenues. She revealed that there are some sources of education funds in the local governments, for example, grants, school operation funds, teacher profession allowance, local incentive funds and special allocation funds. In addition, there are also funds sharing, general allocation funds, locally-generated revenues, aid and private donations.


Presiden Didesak Putuskan Nasib UN

Koran Sindo, halaman 2

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) diminta segera mengambil sikap dan keputusan terkait rencana penghentian sementara (moratorium) ujian nasional (UN). Pasalnya, kalangan guru dan siswa di daerah saat ini mengalamai kebingungan. Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PB PGRI) Unifah Rasyidi mengatakan, ketika wacana itu dilontrakan, semua siswa kelas akhir sudah terfokus mempelajari mata pelajaran yang biasa diujikan dalam UN. Nasib UN yang digantung seperti ini membuat para guru dan siswa bingung harus mempelajari semua mata pelajaran atau hanya tiga mata pelajaran saja.

Jika memang pemerintah memutuskan UN akan terus berjalan maka harus ada evaluasinya mengubah sedikit sistem UN tahun depan. Misalnya saja terhadap pelaksanaan UN agar jangan sampai ada kecurangan dan kebocoran soal maupun jawaban. Lalu juga pemilihan soal dan bentuk soal high order thinking. Kemudian, jika UN mau di desentralisasi, Badan Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) tetap harus merumuskan Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) pada UN. Selanjutnya, SKL dari pemerintah pusat itu nantinya akan disusun kembali oleh masing-masing daerah sesuai dengan kompetensi daerah. Dengan ini, menurut dia, maka ujian akan sesuai dengan kemampuan daerah masing-masing sehingga tidak ada intervensi dari pihak tertentu yang ingin hasil UN-nya lebih tinggi dari daerah lain.

Jika pemerintah menginkan UN sebagai pemetaan maka harus ada tindakan dari hasil pemetaan tersebut, yakni harus ada pelatihan bagi guru dalam hal peningkatan literasi. Guru pun, lanjutnya, juga harus dilatih bagaimana agar bisa memberik soal kepada siswa dengan capaian high order thinking seperti yang saat ini selalu digaungkan pemerintah.

President Urged to Resolve the National Examination

Koran Sindo, page 2

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was urged to resolve and make a decision in respect to the plan for a moratorium on the national examination (UN) because teachers and students are currently confused about this issue. PB PGRI Unifah Rasyidi said that when the discourse was proposed, most of final year students had their focus on studying the subjects that are tested through UN. The current undetermined issue in regard to UN has caused confusion among both teachers and students as to whether to learn all subjects or just the three that are tested in the UN.

If the government decides to keep on holding UN, there should be an evaluation to adjust the system of UN next year. For example, cheating practices must be prevented and the leaking of exam sheets and answers. In addition, the selection and form of questions should demand high order thinking. If UN is to be decentralized, National Standard Body for Education (BSNP) must formulate Graduates Competence Standard (SKL) for UN. Furthermore, SKL from the central government must be adjusted for each region according to the local competence. In this way, the examination will meet the standard of each region and there can be no intervention from parties seeking to obtain higher UN results than other regions.

If the government wants UN to be used for the mapping of education, there must be a follow-up on the results of such mapping whereby there must be training for teachers in regard to the improvement of literacy. Teachers must also be trained to prepare the examination for students to achieve high order thinking as is currently being used by the government.


Kurikulum Keterampilan Dikembangkan

Republika, halaman 4

Direktur Pendidikan Madrasah Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Kemenag, Prof Nur Kholis Setiawan, usai meninjau program keterampilan di MAN 1 Garut, menuturkan, sejak 1994 Kemenag telah mengembangkan program keahlian di MA. Hingga kini sudah ada 234 MA yang telah mengembangkan berbagai program keterampilan. Mulai dari elektro, tata busana, dan otomotif.

Madrasah keterampilan, kata dia, merupakan percontohan MA yang mengembangkan keunggulan kompetitif di bidang keterampilan atau kejuruan. Untuk mendukung program ini, Direktorat Pendidikan Madrasah mengalokasikan anggaran dana pengembangan-pengembangan keterampilan di MA tersebut.

Tidak hanya itu, untuk menjawab tantangan zaman di dunia usaha, tutur Nur Kholis, Kemenag juga berencana membuka Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan (MAK) di enam provinsi. Yakni Bolaang Mongondow Sulawesi Utara, Bintuhan Kaur Bengkulu, Rokan Hulu Riau, Aceh Timur Aceh, Samarinda Kalimantan Timur dan Atambua Nusa Tenggara Timur pada 2016 sampai 2018.

Sementara itu, Kepala MAN 1 Garut, Yepi Agus Gunardi, menyebut jika sekolahnya sudah sejak 1984 mengadakan program keterampilan. Mulai dari otomotif, elektro, dan tata busana. Dalam menjalankan program tersebut, diakui Yepi ada kendala yang dihadapi pihaknya, seperti dari sarana yang ada di sekolah dan dari sisi regulasi.

Madrasah Skills Curriculum Developed

Republika, page 4

Director of Madrasah Education Directorate General of Islamic Education of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), Prof. Nur Kholis Setiawan, after reviewing the skills program at MAN 1 Garut, said that, since 1994 Kemenag has developed expertise/ skills programs in Islamic High Schools or Madrasah Aliyah (MA).  To date there are 234 MA which have developed various skills programs.  Ranging from electro, fashion, and automotive.

Skills Madrasah, he said, is a pilot of MA that develops a competitive advantage in the skills or vocational field.
To support this program, the Directorate of Madrasah Education allocates funds for skills development in the MA.

Not only that, in order to answer the challenges of the times in the business world, said Nur Kholis, Kemenag also plans to open Vocational Madrasah Aliyah (MAK) in six provinces; namely Bolaang Mongondow of North Sulawesi, Bintuhan Kaur of Bengkulu, Rokan Hulu of Riau, East Aceh of Aceh, Samarinda of East Kalimantan and Atambua of East Nusa Tenggara in 2016 until 2018.

Meanwhile, Principal of MAN 1 Garut, Yepi Agus Gunardi, said that his school had since 1984 held skills programs. Ranging from the automotive, electro, and fashion.  In carrying out the programs, Yepi acknowledged there are obstacles faced, such as the facilities in the school and on the regulatory side.


17 Ribu Madrasah Belum Terakreditasi

Republika, halaman 1

Kementerian Agama (Kemenag) mencatat sebanyak 17.106 madrasah dari total 50.543 madrasah di seluruh tingkat pendidikan masih belum terakreditasi. Minimnya anggaran menjadi alasan di balik permasalahan tersebut.

Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam Kementerian Agama mengakui, tantangan madrasah sangat besar dari berbagai aspek. Namun, ia bertekad mempercepat akreditasi madrasah dengan mengalokasikan anggaran khusus berkaitan dengan percepatan akreditasi madrasah ke depan.

Data Direktorat Pendidikan Madrasah menunjukan bahwa ada 76.551 madrasah tersebar di seluruh pelosok negeri. Kemenag membina 26.098 Raudlatul Athfal (RA), dan 50.453 untuk jenjang pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), dan Madrasah Aliyah (MA).

Akreditasi RA belum menjadi target prioritas karena lembaga akreditasinya baru terbentuk 2015 (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini/Non Formal atau BAN PAUD/NF). Sedangkan madrasah, sebanyak 33.347 madrasah sudah terakreditasi. Sedangkan, sisanya masih ada 17.106 madrasah yang belum terakreditasi.

Anggota Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah (BAN-S/M), Toni Taharuddin, menekankan pentingnya madrasah memiliki alokasi bantuan guna meningkatkan kualitas madrasah, terutama bagi madrasah yang ingin diakreditasi. Karena, madrasah yang selama ini mendapatkan bantuan sebagian besar dapat terakreditasi dengan baik.

Sementara itu, Direktur Pendidikan Madrasah M. Nur Kholis Setiawan berharap, proses akreditasi madrasah yang belum terakreditasi bisa selesai pada tahun 2019. Menurutnya, setiap tahun Direktorat Pendikan Madrasah terus memberikan bantuan penyelenggaraan bimbingan teknis akreditasi madrasah. Seperti tahun 2016, lanjutnya, anggaran langsung diletakkan di Kanwil, bukan di pusat dan proses bimbingan teknis akreditasi madrasah juga melibatkan tim Badan Akreditasi Provinsi Sekolah/Madrasah.

17 Thousand Madrassas Not Yet Accredited

Republika, page 1

Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) recorded 17,106 madrassas from a total of 50,543 madrassas/Islamic schools in all levels of education are still not accredited. Lack of budget is the reason behind the problem.

Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs acknowledges the challenge of madrassas is huge from various aspects. However, he is determined to accelerate the accreditation of madrassas by allocating a special budget related to the acceleration of madrassa accreditation in future.

Data from the Directorate of Madrasah Education shows that there are 76,551 madrassas spread throughout the country.  Kemenag develops 26,098 Raudlatul Athfal (RA), and 50,453 for education levels of Elementary School or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Junior High School or Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), and High School or Madrasah Aliyah (MA).

RA Accreditation is not a priority target because the accreditation agency was newly formed in 2015 (National Accreditation Board for Early Childhood Education / Non Formal or BAN PAUD / NF).  Whereas as many as 33,347 madrassas have been accredited.  Meanwhile, the remaining 17,106 madrassas have not been accredited.

Member of the National Accreditation Board of Schools / Madrasah (BAN-S/M), Toni Taharuddin, stressed the importance of madrasah having aid allocation to improve the quality of madrasah, especially for those madrassas that wish to be accredited.   Because, madrassas that have so far obtained assistance could mostly be well accredited.

Meanwhile, Director of Madrasah Education M. Nur Kholis Setiawan hoped the accreditation process of madrassas that have not been accredited could be completed in 2019. According to him, every year the Directorate of Madrasah Education continues to provide assistance in the organization of madrasah accreditation technical guidance. As in 2016, he continued, the budget was directly placed in the Regional Office (Kanwil) and not in the center and madrasah accreditation technical guidance process also involved the Provincial Schools / Madrassa Accreditation Board team.


Penyaluran KIP Capai 95%

Koran Sindo, halaman 4

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) menyatakan penyaluran Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) sudah mencapai 95%. Berdasarkan data Kemendikbud, kartu yang dipesan untuk siswa sebanyak 17.927.308. Jumlah yang sudah dicetak mencapai 100%, sementara kartu yang sudah diterima mencapai 17.067.951 atau sudah 95,21%. Kemudian, masih ada kartu yang dalam perjalanan sebanyak 765.193 atau 4,27% dan yang dikembalikan sebanyak 94.164 kartu atau 0,53%.

Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Dikdasmen) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) Hamid Muhammad mengatakan, penyaluran kartu kepada siswa sasaran sudah semakin lancer. Hal ini bisa terjadi berkat kerja sama yang baik antara perusahaan pencetak kartu dan pemerintah setempat. Hamid mengatakan bahwa penyaluran KIP sudah selesai semua sedangkan untuk pencairan oleh siswa masih berlangsung.

Terkait rencana pemerintah tahun depan yang akan mengubah dana bantuan sosial ini menjadi nontunai, Hamid mengatakan, Kemendikbud sudah menguji coba KOP nontunai (KIP Plus) di DI Yogyakarta pada Oktober 2016. Selain mendorong penyaluran uang yang lebih tepat sasaran, KIP Plus ini juga menjadi alat literasi keuangan sejak dini. Hamid mengatakan, lancarnya penerimaan kartu karena sudah ada surat edaran kepada kepala dinas pendidikan pada September 2016. Isinya, agar kepala dinas memfasilitasi percepatan penyaluran KIP yang masih tertahan di kantor desa/kelurahan. Selain itu juga membantu siswa untuk mendaftarkan kartunya ke data pokok pendidikan (dapodik).

Channeling KIP Reaches 95%

Koran Sindo, page 4

The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) stated the distribution of Indonesia Smart Cards (KIP) has reached 95%.  Based on Kemendikbud data, cards reserved for students total 17,927,308.  The number of printed cards reached 100%, while the cards that have already been received reached 17,067,951 or 95.21%. Then, there are still cards en route as many as 765,193 or 4.27% and those returned as many as 94,164 cards or 0.53%.

Director General of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikdasmen) Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Hamid Muhammad said the distribution of cards to targeted students has increasingly run smoothly.  This could happen thanks to the good cooperation between the card printing companies and the local administrations.  Hamid said that the distribution of all KIP has already been completed, while expenditure by the students is still in progress.

Regarding government plans next year that will change the social grants to become non-cash, Hamid said, Kemendikbud already tested KOP noncash (KIP Plus) in Yogyakarta in October 2016.  In addition to promoting better targeted distribution of money, KIP Plus is also a tool for financial literacy from an early age. Hamid said the smooth receipt of the cards is because there has been a circular letter to the heads of education agencies in September 2016.  Its content states in order for the agency heads to facilitate the acceleration of KIP distribution that are still stuck in the village offices.    In addition, to help students enroll their cards into the education main data (dapodik).
