Education Minister Respects Khairil’s Decision to Resign


Education and Culture Minister Mohammad Nuh appreciates and respects Khairil Anwar Notodiputro’s decision to resign earlier this month. Khairil is the head of research and development for the Education and Culture Ministry.

However, because the decision is in the hands of the President, Khairil’s resignation letter may be approved or disapproved.

The names of those responsible for the 2013 national exam fiasco and their punishment will be announced by the Minster on Monday. Khairil’s resignation was his own personal decision due to him feeling responsible for the disastrous implementation of the national exams.

Education Minister Respects Khairil’s Decision to Resign

Education Minister Respects Khairil’s Decision to Resign

Mendikbud Hargai Pilihan Kabalitbang Mundur


Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh menyatakan menghargai dan menghormati pilihan Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Khairil Anwar Notodipuro untuk mengundurkan diri pada awal Mei ini.

Namun demikian, keputusan final belum dapat diberikan karena Nuh belum juga melapor kepada Presiden. Keputusan akhir berada di tangan Presiden karena posisi Kepala Balitbang termasuk eselon 1.

Menurut Nuh, keputusan ada di tangan Presiden, berarti surat pengunduran diri Khairil bisa saja disetujui dan bisa juga tidak.

Ministry Asked to Announce Investigation Results Soon

Jurnas, page 5

Ombudsman representative Budi Santoso said that all of the decisions related to the investigation results made by the Inspector General of the Education and Culture Ministry regarding the national exams must immediately be announced. If the announcement is delayed any further, it may raise public suspicions. Budi said that based on the law of public information and transparency, the Education and Culture Minister has the authority to announce the investigation results to the public.

Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh said he cannot reveal the results of the investigation for the tender and implementation of the national exams because he needs to review the results before announcing it to the public. The Minister added that he will announce the results after the implementation of the national exams for all levels of education is complete. This is because officials in the committee have not completed their duties yet. If officials are punished while they are still performing their duties for the national exams, it will result in further chaos.

Ministry Asked to Announce Investigation Results Soon

Ministry Asked to Announce Investigation Results Soon

Umumkan Segera

Jurnas, p 5

Kepala Bidang Penyelesaian Laporan/Pengaduan Lembaa Ombudsman Republika Indonesia, Budi Santoso mengatakan seharusnya semua keputusan yang terkait dengan hasil teman investigasi Irjen Kemendikbud mengenai permasalahan UN ini lebih cepat dimumkan. Semakin ditunda akan memuculkan tanda tanya besar.

Ia mengatakan seharusnya untuk transparansi publik dan keterbukaan informasi publik, menteri punya otoritas untuk mejelaskan pengumuman investigasi Irjen ke publik. Dalam waktu dekat pihak Ombudsman akan memanggil Mendikbud yang kedua kali untuk diajak audiensi.

Mendikbud M Nuh mengatakan dirinya belum dapat memaparkan hasil investigasi kasus tender dan pelaksanaan UN karena perlu mengkaji hasil investigasi tersebut, sebelum mengumumkannya.

Nuh juga menjelaskan bahwa ada tiga tahap penyelengaraan UN yang perlu diselidiki, yakni tahap pelaksanaan tender UN, pengadaan, dan pencetakan.

Ia pun akan memberikan sanksi bagi pejabat yang terbukti terlibat kasus yangmengakibatkan penundaan pelaksnaan UN SMA sederajat tahun 2013.

KPAI: National Exams Makes Fools out of Students

Jurnas, page 4

Chairman of the Indonesian Commission on Child Protection (KPAI), Badirah, said that the 2013 implementation of the national exams makes students unintelligent. The national exam equalizes Indonesia’s education despite the fact that Indonesia has various levels of education.

Badirah believed that children are spurred to reach national standards. However, the process should also be considered, not just the results. He felt the national exams should not be the determining factor of whether or not a child will graduate.

Badirah also used the situation where students cheated during the national exam 2013 implementation in Central Java as an example. He said the teachers there were upset about the implementation of the 2013 national exams. Previously, these teachers taught honesty to their children. However, during the national exams, teachers attempted to graduate all their children through improper means.

Badirah also claimed that the national exams does not abide by the child protection principal of no discrimination.

KPAI: National Exams Makes Fools out of Students

KPAI: National Exams Makes Fools out of Students

KPAI: UN Bentuk Pembodohan kepada Siswa

Jurnas, p 4

Ketua Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) 2013 merupakan bentuk pembodohan terhadap siswa. UN melakukan penyeragaman terhadap pendidikan Indonesia padahal pendidikan Indonesia memiliki banyak keberanekaragaman.

Menurut Badriah, UN jangan dijadikan penentu nasib anak dalam segi kelulusan. Ia mengusulkan sebagai standar kemampuan UN dapat dilaksanakan seperti tes toefl dan bisa dilakukan beberapa kali.

Fighting for a Seat at a University

Sindo, page 25 (2)

After completing the national exams, students are currently focused on preparing themselves for the University Joint Admissions Test  (SBMPTN) which will be held on June 18 and 19 2013.

This year, state universities will provide three opportunities for students to apply to their universities through the State University National Entrance Exams (SNMPTN), the SBMPTN, and independent selection.

Students accepted through the SNMPTN method will be accepted solely through their report card grades and other achievements during their high school years. Students taking the SNMPTN will take a written exam that will evaluate their skills.

Education observer Mohammad Abduhzen believes that the selection process using the SNMPTN method is prone to improper acts because schools may mark-up the grades of their students.

Fighting for a Seat at a University

Fighting for a Seat at a University

Berebut Kursi Di Perguruan Tinggi

Sindo, p 25 (2)

Perlu diketahui, pola penerimaan mahasiswa baru perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) tahun ini terdiri atas 3 pintu, yakni melalui seleksi nasional masuk perguruan tinggi negeri (SNMPTN), SBMPTN, dan seleksi mandiri. Untuk penyelengaraan diserahkan sepenuhnya setiap PTN dan biaya dibebankan kepada peserta.

Penilaian SNMPTN murni berdasarkan prestasi akademik siswa dengan mengacu pada nilai rapor dan prestasi yang lain dan biaya ditanggung peserta. Adapun SBMPTN ditempuh lewat tes tulis/keterampilan, serta biaya ditanggung setiap peserta.

Menurut bebarapa calon mahasiswa, jalur SNMPTN cukup menguntugkan. Karena selain presentase daya tampung lebih tinggi, dan para calon mahasiswa ini cukup optimis  dengan nilai rapor dan prestasi di sekolah.

Pengamat pendidikan Abduhzen justru menilai penyelengaraan jalur undangan ini rawan disalahgunakan. Ia justru berpendapat sebaiknya SNMPTN yang berpatokan pada nilai UN, rapor, maupun prestasi lain di sekolah ini dibatalkan saja. Hal ini dikarenakan penyelenggaraan UN dari dulu hinga sekarang tidak bisa dipercaya.

The New System for Accepting University Students

Sindo, page 25 (1)

In order to ease the struggle of trying to be accepted in a university, the Executive Director of the Institute for Education Reform at Paramadina University, Mohammad Abduhzen, revealed some factors that high school students should consider before applying.

The main factor is to understand the system used by universities in accepting students. State universities often alter their acceptance prerequisites. Therefore, students applying must understand the rules and regulations first.

Next, a student must know his or her interests and talents before applying, and also the major they choose to pursue. Another factor students must consider is the output of their chosen major. This includes whether or not the major has many job opportunities and whether it will enable the student to continue his or her studies at a higher level.

The New System for Accepting University Students

The New System for Accepting University Students

Mengenal Sistem Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru

Sindo, p 25 (1)

Guna melancarkan perjuangan untuk diterima di alamamater favorit, Direktur Eksekutif Institute for Education Reform Universitas Paramadina Mohamad Abduhzen memaparkan beberapa hal yang selayaknya diketahui terlebih dahulu oleh para siswa tingkat sekolah atas.

Hal utama adalah mengenali sistem penerimaan mahasiswa baruu yang berlaku. Mengingat pola penerimaan mahasiswa baru di perguruan tinggi negeri berubah-ubah. Karena itu, para pelamar harus lebih gulu mengetahui aturannya, barulah mereka mendaftarakan diri. Jka sekiranya belum memahami aturan ini, tak ada salahnya berkonsultasi lebh lanjut dengan guru bimibingan konseling di seklah masing-masing.