Integrated School for the Underprivileged

Jurnas, Page 14

The Balikpapan City Legislative Council gave a positive response to the Balikpapan City Government’s plan to build an integrated school. However, the council advised the city to build the school especially for children from underprivileged families.

Deputy Chairman of the Balikpapan City Legislative Council, Wahyu Hartono, stated that the council agreed to build an integrated school from preschool, elementary school, junior high school, up until high school for underprivileged students.

He believes this integrated school will help children from poor families who have had to compete with children from privileged families to go to school. It will also help reduce the amount of school dropouts in Balikpapan.

ntegrated School for the Underprivileged

Integrated School for the Underprivileged

Sekolah Terpadu bagi Siswa Gakin

Jurnas, p 14

Rencana Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Balikpapan membangun sekolah terpadu mendapat respon positif dari DPRD. Hanya saja DPRD menyarankan agar sekolah terpadu yang dibangun bisa dikhususkan untuk keluarga miskin. Disamping juga untuk menekan angka anak putus sekolah di Kota Balikpapan.

Rencana sekolah terpadu khusus gajin akan dibangun pada tahun 2014. Selain dilengkapi berbagai fasilitas, sekolah terpadu gakin, akan dilengkapi dengan asrama, agar siswa tetap terpantau dan tidak absen hanya karena tidak memiliki ongkos.

House Approves New Curriculum Budget

SINDO, Page 16

Commission X at the House of Representatives has finally agreed to the amended 2013 Curriculum budget amounting to Rp 829 billion. As a result, the new curriculum will be implemented as scheduled in July.

During the House’s meeting with the Ministry of Education and Culture, six factions agreed to the new budget including the Democratic Party, the National Awakening Party (PKB), Gerindra, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Golkar, and the People’s Conscience Party (Hanura). The other three factions rejected this budget amendment.

Most of the funds will be used to procure student handbooks and teacher’s guidebooks. Aside from that, 40% of the budget will be used for training national instructors, core teachers, and headmasters.

House Approves New Curriculum Budget

House Approves New Curriculum Budget


DPR Restui Anggaran Kurikulum Baru

Sindo, p 16

Komisi X DPR akhirnya menyepakati perubahan anggaran Kurikulum 2013 menjadi Rp829 miliar. Dengan demikian, implementasi Kurikulum 2013 tetap akan dilaksanakan Juli mendatang.

Dalam rapat kerja Komisi X DPR dengan Kemendikbud, enam fraksi, Demokrat, PKB, Gerindra, PDIP, Golkar, dan Hanura setuju. Tiga fraksi lainnya menolak.

Ketua Komisi X DPR Agus Hermanto, mengatakan sbagian besar dana ini dipakai untuk penyediaan buku pegangan siswa dan buku pedoman guru. selain itu, 40% anggaran dipakai untuk pelatihan instruktur nasional, guru, initi, dan kepala sekolah.

Mendikbud M Nuh bersyukur Komisi X memberikan persetuuan. Dalam hal ini, tidak akan adalagi hambatan politik dalam agenda kuriulum 2013. Ia pun mengapresiasi rekomendasi kuriklum yang disampaikan fraksi-fraksi, meski secara substansi kurikulum ini merupakan domain pemerintah.

New School Curriculum Ready to Be Implemented, Says Education Minister

Jakarta Globe, Page 3

The House of Representatives approved the financing proposal for the controversial new school curriculum on Tuesday, despite criticisms that the changes to the programming are unnecessary.

Education and Culture Minister Muhammad Nuh told reporters on Tuesday that his office was ready to implement the new curriculum, which places increased emphasis on religious and moral education over the likes of English and science.

Jimmy Paat, an activist with the Education Coalition and a lecturer with the Jakarta State University, said that the new curriculum still requires further evaluation. He said the new curriculum has never been tested while the current curriculum has been tested since the 1970s.

Jimmy deplored the fact that teachers around the country had been given little to no opportunity to contribute to the creation of the new curriculum.

Another education expert Lody Paat expressed distress over the complex thematic teaching involved in the new curriculum making it impossible for teachers to absorb all the information given in the training in such a short time.

Lody did not deny Indonesia’s current curriculum has a number of flaws. But he said he believed the change to the curriculum would worsen the country’s education system.

New School Curriculum Ready to Be Implemented, Says Education Minister

New School Curriculum Ready to Be Implemented, Says Education Minister

Menteri Nuh: Kurikulum Baru Siap Diterapkan

Jakarta Globe, p 3

DPR akhirnya menyetujui anggaran kurikulum baru yang kontroversial pada hari Selasa. Padahal, banyak yang mengkritik kurikulum baru dan menilai kurikulum yang sekarang tidak perlu dirubah.

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Muhammad Nuh mengatakan bahwa kementerian siap menerapkan kurikulum baru yang mengutamakan pendidikan agama dan moral ketimbang bahasa Inggris dan ilmiah.

Menurut Jimmy Paat, pegiat dari Koalisi Pendidikan dan seorang dosen di Universitas Nasional Jakarta,  kurikulum baru masih perlu dievaluasi. Jimmy mengatakan bahwa kurikulum tersebut belum pernah diuji sedangkan kurikulum yang ada sekarang telah diuji sejak tahun 1970an.

Jimmy juga menyesalkan bahwa tidak ada guru satupun di negara ini yang diberi kesempatan untuk memberi masukan saat kurikulum baru dirancang.

Ahli pendidikan Lody Paat juga tidak setuju dengan penerapan kurikulum baru dikarenakan teknik pengajaran yang rumit dan sulit dimengerti oleh guru dengan waktu pelatihan yang sangat singkat. Lody tidak menyangkal bahwa kurikulum yang sekarang memang tidak sempurna, tetapi dia khawatir bahwa kurikulum yang baru malah akan memperburuk kondisi pendidikan bangsa.

Exam answer keys are public information: Commission

Jakarta Post, Page 4

The Central Information Commission (KIP) ruled on Tuesday that the answer keys for the national examinations is public information and that the Education and Culture Ministry should make them available to Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) for investigative purposes.

Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih, the Central Information Commission Chairman said the answer keys for mathematics and natural science exams as requested by petitioners are open for the public.

In July 2012, ICW submitted a request to the Central Information Comittee (KIP) to require the ministry to fully disclose the answer keys for mathematics, natural science and English for junior high school students.

According to ICW, a junior high school teacher reported systematic misconduct during last year’s exams and gave ICW the answer keys that were circulating among the students as evidence.

The ministry rejected their request saying that they would not be able to use the same exam materials in subsequent years should they be made available to the public.

Exam answer keys are public information: Commission

Exam answer keys are public information: Commission

KIP: Kunci Jawaban UN Merupakan Informasi Publik

Jakarta Post, p 4

Komisi Informasi Pusat (KIP) memutuskan bahwa kunci jawaban ujian nasional (UN) merupakan informasi publik dan memerintahkan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Kemendikbud) untuk menyerahkan kunci jawaban tersebut kepada Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) untuk keperluan investigasi.

Ketua Majelis KIP, Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih, mengabulkan permintaan petisi membuka kunci jawaban pelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan alam (IPA) untuk umum.

Pada bulan Juli 2012, ICW mengajukan gugatan kepada KIP agar Kemendikbud membuka kunci jawaban untuk pelajaran matematika,  IPA, dan bahasa Inggris untuk ujian nasional SMP.

Menurut ICW, seorang guru SMP melaporkan bahwa kunci jawaban ujian nasional bocor dikarenakan kesalahan sistem administrasi dan menyerahkan kunci jawaban yang bocor tersebut kepada ICW.

Kemendikbud menolak permintaan ICW dengan alasan materi ujian tersebut tidak akan bisa digunakan lagi pada tahun berikutnya jika kunci jawaban dibuka untuk umum.

Junior High School Answer Keys Open to Public

Koran Tempo, Page A7

The Central Information Commission (KIP) has granted Indonesia Corruption Watch’s (ICW) request and demanded the Ministry of Education and Culture to fully disclose the answer keys for the junior high school national examinations. The Commission stated that the answer keys are public information.

However, the KIP ruling, which was headed by Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih, stated the answer keys are only available for viewing, not for copying or saving.

The commissioners granted public access only for answer keys to natural sciences with the codes A51, B63, C75, D36, and E48, and mathematics with the codes of A69, B71, C86, D45, and E57. The request for the English subject answer keys was denied by the Commission because ICW could not submit specific answer key codes.

Previously, ICW revealed that they received an anonymous complaint about a leak and the spread of the answer keys for the junior high school national exams for mathematics, natural sciences and English. Based on these findings, ICW requested the ministry to disclose the answer keys for verification.

KIP has given the ministry 14 days to respond to this verdict. ICW coordinator for public service monitoring, Febri Hendri, promised to share the investigation results of the national examination leak to the Ministry of Education and Culture. However, ICW will only reveal the location of the leak and not the identity of the school.

Junior High School Answer Keys Open to Public

Junior High School Answer Keys Open to Public

Kunci Jawaban Ujian SMP Terbuka bagi Publik

Koran Tempo, p A7

Komisi Informasi Pusat mengabulkan permintaan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), agar Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan membuka kunci jawaban ujian nasional tingkat SMP. Menurut Komisi, kunci jawaban itu merupakan informasi milik publik. Majelis komisioner memutuskan pemohon hanya berhak atas informasi kunci jawaban IPA dengan kode A51, B63, C75, D36, dan E48 serta matematika berkode A69, B71,  C86, D45, dan E57.

Sebelumnya, ICW mengaku menerima pengaduan tentang kebocoran soal dan penyebaran kunci jawaban ujian SMP untuk pelajaran matematika, IPA dan Bahasa Inggris. Hasil pemeriksaan ICW menunjukkan, hampir 60 persen jawaban benar. Tapi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan menolak memberi salinan dengan alasan kunci jawaban itu informasi yang terkecualikan.